Sunday, January 2, 2011

.:: order delivered::.

just back fr0m the p0st 0ffice yang sangat cr0wded ngan ASBN pe0ple...

f0r the previ0us entry, i said that i'm w0rking hard t0 finish the 0rdered fr0m my friends. she asked me t0 d0 28 0f frame gift as a gift f0r 0ur bel0ved lecturers. seri0usly said finishing the 0rder in the bulk make me feel w0rking like a machine/fact0ry c0z i have t0 make the same design 0f 23. even th0ugh its the same design but its n0t 100% same because its a handmade thing. the 0thers 5 frame are different since it will g0es t0 s0me special lecturers (i guest)...

i h0pe the package arrived safely with0ut any "kerep0t2" y berlaku.. n my friend will like it..

ps: i wish i can buy a new camera since my 0ld camera dah r0sak, (sngat x best snap gambar guna ph0ne je.. T_T)


  1. hahaha... banyak seh~~~ harap2 tak kemek....huu
    anyway, jzkk mami....

  2. mak ai...sungguh bergeliga dan kreatif kwnku ini!hehehehe

    bagus2,teruskn bisnes!;)

  3. t0 kak tini: tq f0r y0ur supp0rt, jgn lupa jd f0ll0wer yea.. ha3
