.::A B 0 U T M E::.

hye... i'm the owner of this blog and i'm a craft l0ver wh0 easily fell in l0ve t0 anything ab0ut craft paper and anything related t0 it als0 anything in cute m0de. i'm started this bl0g as i'm b0red being unempl0yment and i'm started searching anything that i can d0 in my leisure time and 0f c0urse it can benefit me.

seri0usly i'm a newbie in this field, and i g0t inspired t0 d0 this by s0me awes0me quillers such miyyah@kertas, simple rhyme, and 0thers. their artw0rks have inspired me a l0t.

i've made up this bl0g just t0 express my idea and artw0rk with 0thers because i'm a newbie and i'm still need m0re and more impr0vement t0 bec0me the expert quiller.. (i wish.. ha3)

but if y0u guys are interested with my artwork, d0 c0ntact me at:: frz_farhana@yahoo.com, i'll entertain you...

d0 enj0ys my bl0g. adi0s~~~~

*craft angg0r banner*